Big and Small

Everything that exists in the world can be classified into two categories: big and small. This simplicity is what makes the world interesting. However, small things get big and big things get small, and sometimes everything seems simultaneously big and small. Our world may seem gigantic at times, and others, as tiny as a button. If we exaggerate a little, we could say this is all we know about it. It is also the only thing we can clearly state about the things of the world: this is big, that is small. When we are presented with a juicy steak and we have a big appetite, we say: "what a small steak!"; when we have a small appetite, we say: "what a big steak!". When we move into an empty house, we say: "what a big room!"; shortly after, when we have filled it with books, children, flies, and harps, we say: "What a small room!".
We always know exactly when things are big or small. Perhaps, if we exaggerate a little, we could say this is all we know. For some time, we are a very small thing that keeps growing until we get big, only to get small again. Just when we think we are big and we can freely move around the world, we realize just how small we really are. The world grows as we learn more about it, but it also becomes smaller. Books, which are relatively small objects, tell us about the things in the world: cows, volcanoes, stars. All these things fit into a book, thus —if we exaggerate a little— we could say that all these things are smaller than the book that contains them.
This collection of books is called Big and Small because some are big and some are small. We do not mention anything about the age and the size of our readers, we are only referring to the size of the books, because, as we have all been able to discover, there are children who are big readers and there are big people who are small, almost insignificant, readers.
Panamá o las aventuras de mis siete tíos (Panama or the Adventures of my Seven Uncles)
30.00 € -
Retratos furtivos (Furtive Portraits)
20.00 € -
Cuentos de la estrella legumbre (Tales of the Legume Star)
20.00 € -
Taller de pintura y construcciones (Painting & Construction Workshop)
15.00 € -
En Cejunta y Gamud (In Cejunta and Gamud)
20.00 € -
Un perro en el grabado de Durero titulado «El caballero, la muerte y el diablo» (A Dog in Durer´s Etching «The Knight, Death and the Devil»)
14.00 € -
El paseo de Buster Keaton (Buster Keaton Takes a Walk)
20.00 € -
Cómo hacerse rico (How to Get Rich)
15.00 € -
Madame Leonarda
20.00 € -
Del uno al ciento. Libro de números (From One to a Hundred. Book of numbers.)
14.00 € -
Viva mi pueblo (Long Live My Village)
20.00 € -
Reflejos y sombras (Reflections and Shadows)
20.00 € -
Cartas a Aldo Buzzi, 1945-1999 (Letters to Aldo Buzzi, 1945-1999)
25.00 € -
El alma se serena (Soothing the Soul)
15.00 € -
El Persa: solo para amigos (El Persa: Only for Friends)
20.00 € -
Covers for Cartelera Turia
20.00 € -
Buffalo Bill Romance
25.00 € -
¡Fuego! (Fire!)
18.00 € -
Adiós al porvenir (Farewell to the Future)
25.00 € -
Los 10 perritos (10 Puppies)
10.00 € -
Libro de los defectos de los demás (Book of the Flaws of Others )
22.00 € -
La vida esa
20.00 €