El mundo al revés (The World Turned Upside Down)

Miguel Calatayud
Text about the author: Herrín Hidalgo

ISBN: 978-84-122263-1-7
Books for Children Collection, number 10 / Wordless book (editorial texts in Spanish) /  2nd edition: July 2020 / 18,5 x 23 cm / 104 pages / two-page bicoloured illustrations + portrait of the author / contains an appendix with news from the world upside down and a text about the author, by Herrín Hidalgo / hardcover with dust jacket  / printed at Brizzolis, Madrid, Spain

Following the tradition of popular prints, the illustrator Miguel Calatayud has compiled in this wordless book —which, true to its title, begins with the word 'end'— forty astonishing scenes which aim to make us reflect and rejoice.

We live in an upside down world, one does not have to be too smart to realise that. Instead of working to live, which would be the fair thing to do, we live to work; and instead of going out into the world to rediscover the Iguazu Falls —a beautiful trip!—, we wait for the waterfalls to come to us through a television screen. We could find many more examples.

The illustrator Miguel Calatayud, continuing the tradition of popular prints that have always described this upside down world of ours with a lot of humour, has compiled in The World Turned Upside Down forty astonishing scenes to make us reflect and rejoice.

In this book, a faithful reflection of life, although it may seem otherwise, we will find cows sitting in a train, looking out the window at people grazing in the fields; fish which catch fishermen; human beings who carry heavy vehicles on their backs; parachutes that rise instead of descend; angels that burn in Hell; and an ordinary man who, alone and with a fatal blow, kills Death.

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