Los niños tontos (The Foolish Children)
ISBN: 978-84-947764-8-9
Books for Children Collection, number 8 / Spanish edition / 2nd edition: July 2020 / 18,5 x 23 cm / 112 pages / 21 two-page bicoloured illustrations + portraits of the authors / contains the texts «How I started writing», by Ana María Matute, and «Things I remember», by Javier Olivares / hardcover with dust jacket / printed at Brizzolis, Madrid, Spain
Written in the late 50´s, this book contains 21 short stories which beautifully portray some terrible tales from childhood, the most important stage of life and the richest in experiences, discoveries and sensations. According to the author, this book is about children, rather than for children. You have been warned.
«This is not a book for children». Whenever she has the chance, author Ana María Matute explains that this is a book about children, not for children. If we have included it in this collection it is because we do not know how, nor we wish to, assume children’s age: there are children with all kinds of acquired tastes, and the barrier that separates them from adults is not always that clear.
The Foolish Children is a book about childhood, which is the most important stage in anyone’s life, and the richest in experiences, discoveries, and sensations. One could rightly say that as adults we are the way we are because we have lived a harder or kinder childhood. The twenty-one short stories contained in this book mirror the short lives of these twenty-one children who never grew up and kept those same faces and bodies for all eternity.
The illustrator Javier Olivares has portrayed faces and bodies, lights and shadows, and some other invisible things, in order to remind older people we had a very different life, a foolish life, not so long ago, and to let young people know that others have also gone through and thought about the same things they have, in a better or worse way, but no less intensely.
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