Books for Tomorrow

The books How Democracy Could Be, So This is a Dictatorship, There are Social Classes and Women and Men comprise a series of four titles designed for young readers, published between 1977 and 1978 by La Gaya Ciencia, a publishing house in Barcelona. At that time, it had only been a couple of years since the death of the dictator Franco, and the country experienced a stage —the Transition—, which would bring the first democratic changes.
Almost forty years have passed and we consider that the spirit and the majority of the contents of these books are still relevant today; hence why we have decided to re-publish them with new illustrations. In the texts, we have only touched up a comma or two, but nothing has been added or subtracted from its contents. In essence, the ideas and comments are perfectly valid, as well as the test, which we also reproduce without any changes and which we invite all readers to take. In the final pages, when it seemed necessary, we have inserted a short note updating the information presented.
The original collection was called Books for Tomorrow, and this new version has the same name. If we can read these books without their contents seeming overly strange to us, it is because that tomorrow is still not today. We hope it comes soon.