Year 2019

  • 26 January. End of the activities celebrated in Las Naves, under the slogan ‘Brindis al sol' ('Toast to the Sun’), to mark the 20th anniversary of the publishing house. Presentation of the book Museo Media Vaca (Media Vaca Museum), distribution of books, reading of texts and speeches by several authors, who traveled from Madrid, Barcelona, and Irun especially for the event . To conclude, a brotherhood dinner at the Alquería del Pou, accompanied by live music from the group La Alegría de la Huerta.

  • 14 – 16 March. Participation in the fifth edition of ENDEI (National Meeting of Independent Publishers) held at the Centre Cultural Obert de Les Aules (Les Aules Cultural Centre) in Castellón, sponsored by the Castellón Provincial Council. Friday 15 at noon, ‘El oficio del editor' ('The Publisher’s Trade’):  the editors of Media Vaca teach a book creation workshop for eight-year-olds at the CEIP Manuel García Grau. Also participating in the workshop are: Víctor Gomollón (Jeckill&Jill), Raúl Herrero (Libros del Innombrable), Elsa Veiga (narrator), Carlos Vitale (poet and translator), among others.

  • 1 – 4 April. Participation in the Bologna Children’s Book Fair, Hall 29 stand C16-D15, located in the Spanish Association of Publishers Guilds space. Lara Ottaviani runs the stand, and, for a very short time, so do the editors of Media Vaca, who collect the prize for Museo Media Vaca (Media Vaca Museum), awarded with a Special Mention by the Bologna Ragazzi Award (BRAW) in the New Horizons category. 1 April, 14:30 (Bolero room): Begoña Lobo takes part in the Benvenuti e Bentornati meeting, organised by the Italian booksellers of ALIR (Associazione Librerie Indipendenti per Ragazzi), at a table in which the publishers of Memo, Iperborea, and Lupoguido take part.

  • 1 – 31 April. Exhibition featuring the illustrations of the book Museo Media Vaca (Media Vaca Museum) in the Centre Cultural Melchor Zapata in Benicàssim, Castellón.

  • 3 – 6 April. Participation in the fourth edition of Feria Regional del Libro Infantil y Juvenil de Cieza (Regional Children's and Young Adult’s Book Fair in Cieza). Wednesday 3, 13:00: round table in the second edition of Jornada de Animación y Fomento de la Lectura (Encouragement and Promotion of Reading Conference), in the Manuela Burló Moreno room of the Capitol Theatre. Patxi Zubizarreta (writer), Ana Ordás (specialist in library gamification), and Vicente Ferrer (Media Vaca publisher) take part. Thursday 4, 12:00-14:00: the Media Vaca publishers offer a publishing workshop for students aged 12 to 14 in the Padre Salmerón Library. Friday 5, 12:00-14:00: new editing workshop with different students. Both workshops result in a collection of booklets that include drawings and writings about all kinds of imaginable topics.

  • 22 April. Monday. Presentation by the publishing house at the El Bosque de la Maga Colibrí bookshop, in Gijón. Moderated by Lara Meana, Begoña Lobo and Vicente Ferrer participate surrounded by good friends.

  • 23 May. Technical conference on children's and young adult books in Chicago, organised by ICEX. The presentation and the exhibition of books by Spanish publishers take place in the Chicago Public Library.

  • 31 May – 16 June. Participation of Media Vaca (after nineteen years without attending) in the 78th Madrid Book Fair, in the Retiro Park. Media Vaca shares a stand (342) with Barbara Fiore Editora, whose collection is managed by Inés Puig.

  • June. Ribera y yo (Ribera and Me).

  • 4 July. 19:00. Presentation of the books Ribera y yo (Ribera and Me), edited by Media Vaca, and Ribera i Jo, edited by the Alfons el Magnànim Institution, in the Gregori Mayans room in MuVim. The author, Artur Heras, is joined by two friends: writer Manuel Vicent and Professor Anacleto Ferrer.

  • 11 July. 19:00. Presentation of the book El Doré. El cine de los buenos programas (El Doré. The Cinema of Good Programmes), coordinated by Beatriz Rodríguez, technical advisor of Filmoteca Española (Spanish Film Library), within the timeframe of the 30th anniversary of Cine Doré. Round table with Josefina Martínez, professor and writer; María José Rodríguez, architect; Josetxo Cerdán, director of Filmoteca Española; Catherine Gautier, head of programming at Filmoteca Española; and Vicente Ferrer, from Media Vaca, who presents the reprint of the Doré by Pepe Cardona El Persa.

  • 16 – 20 October. Frankfurt Book Fair. Own space in Hall 4.1 stand L-80, and exhibition of the book Mis primeras 80 000 palabras (My First 80,000 Words) in Hall 4.1 stand M-80, sponsored by Generalitat Valenciana and Acción Cultural Española.

  • 24 – 26 October. Professional meeting of Irudika illustration, in the Artium Museum in Vitoria, organised by Euskal Irudigileak (Professional Association of Illustrators of the Basque Country). Friday 25: Round table on best practices in copyright, with the collaboration of Elisabeth Pérez Fernández (Euskal Irudigileak), Peggy Espinosa (Petra Ediciones), and Begoña Lobo and Vicente Ferrer (Media Vaca).

  • 28 October. Presentation by the publishing house in Abracadabra, to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the bookstore. Illustrator Arnal Ballester participates in the talk, as well as several people from the audience.

  • November. La guerra ha terminado: Alicante, 1939 (The War is Over: Alicante, 1939).

  • 14, 15 November. Academic-professional conference titled ‘Diversidad, Artes Escénicas y Gestión' ('Diversity, Performing Arts and Management’), organised by the University of Valencia. Friday 15: colloquium in La Nau ‘Diversos somos todos’ ('We are all diverse’), coordinated by the cultural journalist Paloma Cortina (Radio 3) and with entertainment by DJ Jamona Vegana, with the participation of the drag queen Liz Dust, the artistic director Mateo Feijoó, the visual artist Bartolomé Limón, Begoña Lobo (Media Vaca), Eva Moreno (Extremus Danza) and Empar Puig (Clásicas y Moderna).

  • 28 November. Opening of an exhibition at the Centro de Acogida a Refugiados de Mislata (Mislata Refugee Reception Centre) featuring portraits of Valencian children taken by Taro Miura, coinciding with the presentation of the book Free and Protected, published by CAR Mislata. Begoña Lobo explains Taro's project ‘Rostros infantiles' ('Children's Faces’).

  • 13 – 15 December. Participation in the second edition of the festival and fair Baba Kamo, organised by the APIV, Associació de Professionals de la Il·lustració Valenciana (Association of Professional Illustrators of Valencia), and the FULL, Fundació pel Llibre i la Lectura (Books and Reading Foundation), in the Centre del Carme Cultura Contemporània (Carme Contemporary Culture Centre) in Valencia. Ingrid Santos and Lara Ottaviani are in charge of the stand.

  • 18 – 19 December. Workshop by Vicente Ferrer for students of the master’s degree in Analogue and Digital Publications at EASD (School of Art and Design), in Valencia. Lara Ottaviani collaborates by printing the linoleum sheets made by the participants based on certain whims of Goya.