Azkárraga, José M.ª
Oklahoma City, 1957. Biologist. Professor of the Luis Vives High School and associate professor of the University of Valencia (Didactic Department of Experimental and Social Sciences). Currently retired.
Photographer. Tour guide of a route through the Valencia of the Republic since 2006.
Promoter of publications and exhibitions on historical memory, the Republic and the Civil War, such as: American Star, restos de un naufragio (American Star, remains of a shipwreck, 1996), Perder la guerra (Losing the War; 1999), València, 1931-1939. Guía urbana: la ciudad en la Segunda República (Valencia, 1931-1939. Urban guide: the city in the Second Republic; 2007), Renta limitada: los grupos de viviendas baratas construidos en la Valencia de posguerra, 1939-1964 (Limited rent: groups of cheap buildings built in post-war Valencia; 2008), Despoblats moriscos, 400 anys després (Depopulated Moors, 400 years later; 2010), Tempesta de ferro. Els refugis antiaeris a València (Iron storm. The anti-aircraft shelters in Valencia; 2017), among others.
He is currently in charge of coordinating the book Valencia, 1939-1948. Guía urbana de la ciutat durant el primer franquisme (Valencia, 1939-1948. Urban guide of the city during the first Francoist regime).