Una temporada en Calcuta (A Season in Calcutta)
ISBN: 978-84-930221-9-5
Late Reading Collection, number 2 / Spanish edition; there is an english translation of Lluïsot´s text, made by Roger Colom / 1st edition: October 2001 / 18,5 x 23 cm / 126 pages / bicolored illustrations + portrait of the author / hardcover with dust jacket / printed in Gráficas Vernetta, Valencia, Spain
During his stay in Calcuta in 1999, cartoonist Lluïsot drew portraits of the elderly, the sick, and the abandoned children who were sheltered in Mother Theresa’s centers. This book reproduces the contents of his sketchbook, as well as later drawings, and includes an invitation to travel and see the world with open eyes.
This book compiles the sketches the illustrator Lluïsot drew in Mother Theresa of Calcutta’s shelters during three months in 1999. In spite of Mother Theresa’s great popularity, the centres she founded do not receive the same attention: 638 buildings in 123 countries where the elderly, the disabled, lepers, and ill and abandoned children are cared for.
The cover intends to offer the appearance of a travel journal such as those used by the artist. A Season in Calcutta collects, in addition to the notes, the drawings subsequently created from these spontaneous sketches. Lluïsot has been travelling the world since 1999, and has so far produced over 30 travel diaries that remain unpublished. His diary about Calcutta will be the first to see the light of day.
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