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César Fernández Arias, pintor de la vida moderna
Obituario. César Fernández Arias (1952-2023). Pintor, escultor, ilustrador de Gómez de la Serna o de Guache, su obra singularísima, conectada con el arte urbano, entronca con la tradición de nuestras viejas vanguardias. [read more] -
Aviat farà 25 anys que va aparèixer No tinc paraules i amb aquest llibre s’iniciava el projecte editorial de Media Vaca, un dels més renovadors d’Europa i més enllà, dins del que s’anomena LIJ, i que amb el temps també ha aportat grans títols per al públic adult. [read more]
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Second edition of 'Mr. Korbes'
Dear girls and boys, before you enter the land of Mr. Korbes, Mrs. Trude, and the sea hare, we must tell you something which cannot be postponed any longer. [read more] -
For many years we have been tracking Edith Helman, author of a book about Goya, Trasmundo de Goya, which first appeared in 1963. It was published by Revista de Occidente (Western Magazine), the publishing house of José Ortega y Gasset, who Helman heard talking about Goya in the lectures the philosopher organised in Madrid in 1949, during the second (and last) year of the activities of her ‘Institute of Humanities’. [read more]
Since we started publishing books twenty-one years ago, illustrators and writers have written to us asking about sending originals. Do we accept originals for evaluation? Where should we send them? What is the best way to do it? [read more]
Begoña has traveled to Havana to interview the heir of the Cuban poet Regino Pedroso, whose work was presented to us by his widow, Petra Ballagas, on our first trip to Cuba in 1991. We have always been very interested in his work, and since then we have had the opportunity to learn more about it. [read more]
After ten years without direct participation, this year we returned to Frankfurt Book Fair, where we had our own space in Pavilion 4.1, dedicated to Art and Literature. At the same time, an exhibition on Media Vaca’s book My First 80,000 Words… [read more]