Gálvez, Pedro

Pedro Gálvez was born in Malaga, raised in Castilla la Vieja, and completed his baccalaureate in Venezuela, where he studied Anthropology at the Central University in Caracas. He continued his higher education at Leipzig University, at the Berlin School of Economics, and at Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich. When he returned to Spain, he collaborated with newspapers and publishers. Among his translations are Goethe’s Faust in free verse, a selection of works by Heinrich Heine titled The Gods in Exile, and an anthology of stories by the Brothers Grimm, which has already been reprinted twelve times. He has published original work such as Historia de una hormiga (The Story of an Ant), work of both fantastical and scientific nature, El duende (The Goblin), a children’s short story inspired on animal and human ethology, and the historical novel Nerón: diario de un emperador (Nero: Diary of an Emperor), which first appeared in German under the title Ich, Kaiser Nero; as well as the recent autobiographical book titled Desarraigo: memorias de un hijo de los vencidos (Uprooting: Memoirs of a Son of the Fallen).

Portrait by Oliveiro Dumas