Cunillé, Lluïsa
LLUÏSA CUNILLÉ (Badalona, 1961) has been awarded the 2010 National Dramatic Literature Award for her work Aquel Aire Infinito (That Infinite Air). She has had over forty plays premiered in prestigious theatres both in Catalunia and abroad, for which she has won the Calderón de la Barca Award, Born Prize, Ciutat d’Alcoi Award, and National Theatre Award, among others. For four years she was a resident writer of the Lliure Theatre in Barcelona. In 1994, she founded with Lola López and Paco Zarzosoof the Companyia Hongaresa de Teatre (Hungarian Theatre Company). In 2008, she created the company La Reina de la Nit (The Queen of the Night) with Xavier Albertí and Lola Davó.
Collage by Marta Pina