Roger Omar

Roger visited us on 30 October. It was fun! He came to collect our dreams. He did not mind if our dreams were ugly. He was cheerful, fun. He also told us his dreams. We miss Roger, he has a huge heart the size of a melon.
Vania Guadalupe, age 7.

He brought his backpack, brought the dreams. And he brought his backpack with dreams.
Ángel Gabriel, age 7.

What caught my attention was that he was taller than my teacher and my brother Fernando.
María, age 7.

Roger was very intelligent. Very very intelligent. His black hair is pretty. His hands are white and has three wrinkles on each hand. I would like to tell you how old he is but I do not know.
Jénnifer, age 7.

What I liked most about him was that he laughed a lot, he was intelligent, creative, and fantastic.
Lupita, age 7.

Roger wanted to collect thousands of dreams to make a book. He wore a black jacket, black trousers, blue shirt. He was tall, a bit bald, a bit strong. I liked how he laughed, and he was very very funny. I liked the dreams he told us.
Mara, age 7.

Our teacher’s friend became our friend. He was tall, pale, had blue eyes, light brown lips, he was happy and cheerful. He walked from here to there, moved his hands, looked at our drawings. He liked our works. Even if they were strange, he still loved them very much.
Guadalupe Monserrat, age 7.

My friend Roger came to ask us to write down our dreams. He loved all my friends and he gave us many blank sheets of paper and colours.
Yael Amir, age 8.

Roger Omar (Mazatlan, Sinaloa, 1974) began his project to collect children’s dreams in 2002, which has led him to travel to many countries. Since then, he has been making this rich material known through publications of all sizes and formats, and often through illustrated versions by professional drawers. His dream collection can be visited on the website:

Drawing: Roger Omar portrayed by a girl who did not sign her drawing. (Unión y Progreso School, 2/12/2014).