Year 2003
- 3 – 5 January. Participation of Vicente Ferrer in the jury of the Bologna Illustrators Exhibition.
- 7 February – 30 March. Display of books in the exhibition sponsored by Diputación de Zaragoza ‘No boundaries. Visions of current design’, commissioned by Raquel Pelta. Palacio de Sástago, Zaragoza.
- 2 – 5 April. Participation in the Bologna Children’s Book Fair in the AEPV (Publishers Association of Valencia) stand.
- 3 April. Encounter with the students of the Graphic Art course in the Salesiano Institute, as part of the ‘Proud to read’ activities programme of the Bologna Fair.
- 24 – 27 April. Presentation of the publishing house Media Vaca and exhibition of books in Prague Book Fair, by Ludek Janda.
- 30 April – 11 May. Stand in the Valencia Book Fair.
- 22 May – 31 July. Exhibition ‘The secret life of books. Media Vaca: 1998-2003’ in the Rector Peset Hall of Residence, University of Valencia; in collaboration with CADE (Student Councelling and Revitalisation Centre), and La nau dels xiquets i les xiquetes (a children’s summer school organised by the University of Valencia).
- May. Book-catalogue La vida secreta de los libros (The Secret Life of Books).
- 18 June. Open discussion: ‘Alternative children’s books: For whom?’. Organised by the reading club of the Aragón Library. With the participation of: Ana Lartitegui, Sergio Lairla, Antonio Fernández Molina, José Luis Cano, Isidro Ferrer, Elisa Arguilé, among others.
- 22 – 27 July 22. Workshop for illustrators in Itabahi Museum (Tokyo, Japan).
- 27 July. Talk and presentation of Media Vaca’s books. Itabashi Museum, Tokyo. Translation by Kiyoko Sakai.
- 31 October. ‘Media Vaca in La Mar de Letras’. Talk by Vicente Ferrer in the La Mar de Letras bookshop in Madrid about the books of his publishing house. With some comments on Polish children’s books, Japanese versions of Little Red Riding-Hood, cut-out figures of Hans Christian Andersen, and translations of Lewis Carroll’s works into the “borogovio” language.
- 1 – 30 November. Display of Crímenes ejemplares (Exemplary Crimes) in the bookshop La Casa del Llibre of Valencia.
- 30 November – 7 December. Participation in the Guadalajara International Book Fair, where Media Vaca is represented in stands 2734 (Exlibris) and 2140 (Pujol & Amadó).
- 20 December. Garra de la guerra (Claw of War). Edition for SEP (Secretary of Public Education of Mexico) (14,837 copies).
- 23 December. Reading marathon in the Caja Castellón Foundation with the poems from Garra de la guerra (Claw of War) by Gloria Fuertes, with the participation of 50 adult readers.
- 29 December. Editions for SEP of 100 Greguerías ilustradas (100 Illustrated Greguerías) (65,000 copies), Crímenes ejemplares (Exemplary Crimes) (65,000 copies), and Aroma de galletas (The Smell of Cookies) (110,000 copies).