Year 2005

  • January. Edition for SEP of Narices, buhitos, volcanes y otros poemas ilustrados (Noses, Little Owls, Volcanoes and Other Poems) (115,000 copies).
  • 11 February. Presentation of the Cálamo Extraordinary Award for the book No hay tiempo para jugar (No Time to Play) by Sandra Arenal and Mariana Chiesa. Location: Garden Restaurant. Convened by: Cálamo Bookshop of Zaragoza. Cultural dinner, to give it some kind of description, attended by the publishers and the illustrator. The other award winners in the fourth edition of the Cálamo Awards are Javier Reverte (El río de la desolación, Random House) and Peter Stamm (Paisaje aproximado, El Acantilado).
  • 16 March. Presentation of the book Panamá o las aventuras de mis siete tíos (Panama or the Adventures of my Seven Uncles) in Málaga, as part of the conference cycle ‘Everything is in books’. Location: Meeting Room of the Municipal Museum. Organised by the Instituto Municipal del Libro (Municipal Institute of Books). Participation of: Alberto Torés (translator), Vicente Ferrer (editor), Francisco Cumpián (reader), and Ferran Fernández (audiovisual projection).
  • April. Mis primeras 80.000 palabras (My first 80,000 words) 2nd edition.
  • 13 – 16 April. Participation in the Bologna Children’s Book Fair with AEPV (Publishers Association of Valencia). Individual unit attended by Isabelle Torrubia and Cecilia Mari.
  • 14 April – 15 May. Exhibition of the original artworks by Fabio Zimbres for the book Panamá o las aventuras de mis siete tíos (Panama or the Adventures of my Seven Uncles) in Sala Espacio Historieta of the Recoleta Cultural Centre of Buenos Aires. Opening on 14 April, with the participation of Pablo Sapia (Head of the Exhibition Room), Fabio Zimbres, and Vicente Ferrer, and attended by numerous illustrator friends, in spite of the rainy and vaguely Parisian day.
  • 28 April – 8 May. Valencia Book Fair. Viveros Garden. Participation with an individual unit inside the tent of the AEPV (Publishers Association of Valencia).
  • May. Korean edition of El señor Korbes y otros cuentos de Grimm (Mr. Korbes and other Stories by the Brothers Grimm) by Happy Comic Works Co. (Yolimwon Publishing Co.).
  • 20 – 22 May. II Jornadas Aragonesas de Bibliotecas y Promoción de la Lectura y la Escritura de Ballobar (second edition of the Aragon Conference of Libraries and Encouragement of Reading and Writing in Ballobar) (Huesca). Friday 20: Presentation by the publishers of Media Vaca (Vicente Ferrer) and Ekaré (María Cecilia Silva-Díaz), and the bookshop network project, Club Kirico (Michéle Chevallier).
  • 19 May – 5 June. Sixth edition of Salão Lisbon. Exhibition 'As minhas primeiras 80 mil palavras: dicionário ilustrado' (My first 80,000 words: illustrated dictionary). Location: Estufa Fria. Organiser: Municipal Chamber of Lisbon / Bedeteca of Lisbon.
  • 25 May – 5 June. 25th Lisbon Book Fair. 29 May: Presentation of the publishing house by Vicente Ferrer ‘Media Vaca: The illustrated book’ as part of the fair's programme. Organised by: Municipal Chamber of Lisbon.
  • 5 – 20 July. Tokyo Book Fair. Participation with an individual unit in the Information Pavilion of ICEX (Spanish Foreign Trade Institute).
  • 26 – 29 July. Ilustrarte 2005, second edition of International Biennial of Illustrations for Children in Barreiro, Portugal. Participation of Vicente Ferrer in the jury in charge of selecting the illustrators, along with Frédérique Bertrand, Carll Cneut, Kveta Pacovská, and José de Guimarães.
  • August. Cuentos de la estrella legumbre (Tales of the Legume Star).
  • August – September. Exhibition of the illustrations from the book Mis primeras 80 000 palabras (My First 80,000 Words) in the Internationale Jugendbibliothek of Munich. Translation of the texts to German by Jochen Weber.
  • 12 – 13 October. Exhibit of the drawings by Eloar Guazzelli for El arroyo (The Stream) during the seminar 'Élisée Reclus, natura ed educazione' (Élisée Reclus, nature and education) held in the Istituto di Geografia of the University of Milan-Bicocca.
  • 19 – 22 October. Frankfurt Book Fair. Own space in Hall 4.1, stand L-145.
  • 26 October. Visit to the Academy of Fine Arts of Leipzig guided by Professor Thomas Matthaeus Müller and the students of the centre. Donation of Media Vaca books to the library.
  • 17 – 19 November. Primer Salón del Libro Ilustrado (First Illustrated Book Fair) Cuidad de Alicante. Thursday 17: Round table ‘New publishers, new projects’. With participation of Vicente Vilana (ed. Diálogo), Belén Sáez (Kalandraka), and Vicente Ferrer. Moderated by Ramón Llorens (University of Alicante).
  • 22 November – 7 December. Exhibition of the original engravings by Mariana Chiesa for the book No hay tiempo para jugar (No Time to Play) in the Sin Sentido Space (Madrid). Opening ceremony with speeches by the illustrator and the publishers.
  • 29 November. Presentation of the new Media Vaca titles: Cuentos de la estrella legumbre (Tales of the Legume Star) and Taller de pintura y construcciones (Painting and Construction Workshop). Contributions by the publisher and the authors, Javier Olivares and César Fernández Arias, whose book was at the printing house at that exact time.
  • 13 December. Presentation of the book Panamá o las aventuras de mis siete tíos (Panama or the Adventures of my Seven Uncles) in the French Institute of Valencia. Participation of: Pierre Berthier (director of Institut Français) and Vicente Ferrer. Francisco Cumpián reads a poem by Cendrars with audiovisual images prepared by Ferran Fernández.
  • December. Editions for SEP of Los niños tontos (The Foolish Children) (23,646 copies) and Libro de nanas (Book of Lullabies) (86,942 copies).
  • 15 December. Taller de pintura y construcciones (Painting and Construction Workshop) / El mundo es como yo quiero (The World Is How I Want It To Be).