Year 2006

  • 17 – 20 February. Minimondi Festival, Parma. Organised by Associazione Minimondi and the Fiaccadori Bookshop. Saturday 18: Round table 'Cavoli e cicogne: dove nascono i libri per bambini?' (Cabbages and storks: where do children's books come from?) with the participation of Jacques Dohmen (Querido), Friedbert Stohner (Hanser Verlag), Herwig Bitsche (NP Verlag), Tereza Horvath (Baobab), and Vicente Ferrer. Coordinated by: Florence Noiville (Le Monde) and Grazia Gotti (Accademia Drosselmeier).
  • 16 March. Talk by César Fernández Arias and Vicente Ferrer to primary school teachers in El Escorial, within the Abrapalabra course. Convened by: Dirección General de Ordenación Académica (Directorate General of Academic Ordinance) of CAM. Organiser: CAP San Lorenzo of El Escorial / DAT Madrid-Oeste. Coordinator: Manuela Pérez del Palacio (Children's Education Consultant of CAP).
  • 26 March – 6 April. Bologna Children’s Book Fair. Individual unit inside the stand H29 B1 of AEPV (Publishers Association of Valencia.
  • March. Zaragoza.
  • April. Tokio (Tokyo).
  • 22 April – 7 May. Exhibition of Media Vaca’s books and the illustrations of the dictionary Mis primeras 80 000 palabras (My First 80,000 Words) in the Bogotá Book Fair. Organised by the Cámara Colombiana del Libro (Columbian Chamber of Books) and the Visual Arts Department of the University, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana.
  • 25 May – 2 June. Mexico. Centro Cultural de España (Cultural Centre of Spain) in Mexico. Conference on ‘Children's books: creation, design, and publishing’. Friday 26: Round table ‘Architects of paper: professional publishers’. With the participation of Daniel Goldin, Antonio Ventura, Peggy Espinosa, Vicente Ferrer, Patricia van Rhijn, and Carola Diez.
  • May. En Cejunta y Gamud (In Cejunta and Gamud).
  • June. Érase 21 veces Caperucita Roja (Once upon 21 times, Little Red Riding Hood).
  • 7 – 10 July. Tokyo Book Fair. Participation with an individual unit in the Information Pavillon of ICEX, Instituto Español de Comerio Exterior (Spanish Foreign Trade Institute). Stand 8-2.
  • 9 July. Presentation of the book Érase 21 veces Caperucita Roja (Once Upon 21 Times, Little Red Riding Hood) in the Itabashi Museum of Tokyo, within the activities that accompany the exhibit of the Bologna Children's Book Fair. With the attendance and participation of practically all the collaborators of the book.
  • August. Un perro en el grabado de Durero titulado 'El caballero, la muerte y el diablo' (A Dog in Durer's Etching 'The Knight, Death, and the Devil').
  • 11 September. Libro de las preguntas (Book of Questions).
  • 12 September. Display of the drawings by Alejandro Magallanes for the book En Cejunta y Gamud (In Cejunta and Gamud) in the Kong bookshop-art gallery in Mexico City. Presentation by Carola Diez. Live painting and signing of book copies by the illustrator.
  • 2  – 11 October. Frankfurt Book Fair. Own space in Hall 4.1, stand L-141.
  • 6 October. II Jornadas Universitarias de Literatura Infantil y Juvenil (second edition of Children's and Young Adult Literature University Conference) in Huesca, dedicated to ‘Literature and Commitment’ and coordinated by Rosa Tabernero. Contributions by Isidro Ferrer and José Luis Cano in the closing speech. Vicente Ferrer’s lecture is read by Mariona Martínez Dorado.
  • 2 November. Presentation of the book Zaragoza in the patio of the Pablo Gargallo Museum. Beforehand, guided by the author, there is a walking tour around several locations of the city which are mentioned in the work. With contributions by Rosa Borraz, Paco Goyanes, Vicente Ferrer, Antón Castro, and José Luis Cano. Wine tasting from Bodegas Guelbenzu and ternasco lamb from Pastores Grupo Cooperativo.
  • 2 December. Presentation by Begoña Lobo and Vicente Ferrer about the novelties of the publishing house in Associativa Sahiri Bookshop. Participation of Ajubel and El Persa, who happened to pass by, and attendance of numerous friends.
  • 20 December. Presentation of Libro de las preguntas (Book of Questions) in the Tea Room of Teatro Principal of Zaragoza. Attended by the authors and contributions by Paco Goyanes, Cálamo Bookshop, and Rafael Campos, director of Teatro Principal. Each of the participants receive a question from Pablo Neruda as a gift, as well as the poetic wine from Bodegas Guelbenzu and the illustrated ternasco lamb from the Pastores Grupo Cooperativo.