Year 2008

  • 28 January. Appearance of El Persa in the programme Encontres of Punt 2 (Valencian television channel). The show's host, a type of mad hatter, interviews the author of El Persa, ese desconocido (The Unknown El Persa) and Mascarilla Masticadora Bowerbräu (Bowerbräu Chewing Mask).
  • February. Robinson Crusoe.
  • 31 March – 3 April. Participation in the Bologna Children’s Book Fair in the collective stand of the APEV, Associació d'Editors del País Valencià (Publishers Association of Valencia) (Hall 29, stand B1). Representing Media Vaca, Isabelle Torrubia, María José Gil, and Gabriele Ba.
  • April – May. Exhibit of the book Mis primeras 80 000 palabras (My First 80,000 Words) in the high school IES Ramón Berenguer IV of Amposta, with the addition of the students’ favourite words to the exhibit; as part of the activities from the ‘Sketched Words’ project, coordinated by María Gallego.
  • 23 April. Participation in the events of the Setmana per la Llengua (Language Week) organised by the Polytechnic University of Valencia. In the Agora space, stand with the display and sale of books, as well as presentations of new titles: El Persa, ese desconocido (The Unknown El Persa) (11:00) and Robinson Crusoe (17:00). In a small canopy atmosphere with a few chairs, the authors of both books attend, joined by their friends and also the friends of the publishers; everything goes to plan and the two authors become friends.
  • 30 April. Lecture by Vicente Ferrer titled 'Veintiuna Caperucitas japonesas' (Twenty-one Japanese Red Riding Hoods), as part of V Jornadas de Literatura Comparada (fifth edition of Comparative Literature Conference) of the University of Valencia 'El cuento de nunca acabar…' (The never-ending story…), celebrated on the dates of 30 April and 5, 7, 12 May in the University Hall of the Faculty of Philology, Translation and Communication of the University of Valencia. Free admission.
  • May. Exhibit of the book Mis primeras 80.000 palabras (My First 80,000 Words) in the Municipal Libraries Network of Fraga (Huesca), coordinated by Ana Barrafón.
  • 9 – 18 May. Exhibition of the illustrations from the book Robinson Crusoe by Ajubel in the Baluarte de la Candelaria (Candelaria Bastion) during the Cádiz Book Fair. 10 May: Presentation of the book by its author, accompanied by Juan José Sánchez Sandoval, from the University of Cádiz; greetings to friends and signing of book copies.
  • 15 – 19 May. Participation in the International Children's Book Fair: ‘Leer León’ (‘To Read León’). Stand selling books in the Fair premises during the running dates. We highlight: a lady visits every day to tell us stories in verse in exchange for books; a work inspector asks us to show him the documentation required to carry out the sales (scene from David Mamet). 16 May: Round table on ‘Publishing children’s books in Europe’, with the participation of Mafalda Milhoes from the O Bichinho de Conto Bookshop of Portugal (who does not arrive for some reason), Carina Solari from La Joie de lire Bookshop, Switzerland (who also fails to arrive), Tereza and Juraj Horvath of Baobab Books of the Czech Republic (who does arrive), and Vicente Ferrer and Begoña Lobo (who are also there). The event is planned in the Assembly Hall of the Junta de Castilla y León (Castilla and León Government Building), but is finally celebrated in the café of the San Marcos Hostel, by joining two tables.
  • 16 May. Exhibition of the original artworks created by Isidro Ferrer for Libro de las preguntas (Book of Questions) in the Faculty of Fine Arts of Valencia.
  • 20 – 25 May. Participation in the Jornadas Cliblik (Cliblik Conference) about independent publishing. 20 May: Presentation of the books by Media Vaca by Vicente Ferrer and Begoña Lobo; 23 May: Round table: ‘New children’s publishing: the rise of illustration. The illustrated book as a cultural and artistic product. Only for children?’ Contributions by: José Díaz (Thule), Pablo Larragibel (Ekaré), Fernando Diego García (Libros del zorro rojo), and the illustrators Pablo Amargo and Dani Maiz; moderated by: Natividad de la Puerta (a Fortiori publishing house). Organised by: Cliblik (Independent Bookshops Association of Bilbao). Carpa del Arenal, Bilbao.
  • August. Agujeros de la nariz (Holes of the Nose); Plantas de los pies (Soles of the Feet); Tetas (Breasts); Dientes (Teeth); Costras (Scabs); Ombligo (Belly Button).
  • 8 September – 19 October. Exhibition of the original artworks created by Isidro Ferrer for Libro de las preguntas (Book of Questions) published by Media Vaca in the Espacio para Art (Art Space) of the Savings and Loan Association: Caja Madrid in Zaragoza. Travelling exhibit.
  • November. El paseo de Buster Keaton (Buster Keaton Takes a Walk).
  • 15 – 19 October. Frankfurt Book Fair. Participation in the collective stand of AEPV (Publishers Association of Valencia) (Hall 5.1, stand E-923). Representing Media Vaca, Isabelle Torrubia.
  • 13 November. Presentation of the book Robinson Crusoe with an exhibition of large format illustrations in the Pepe Herrera Graphic Workshop of Madrid.
  • 20 November. Awards Ceremony for the 2007-2008 Best Illustrated Book in Spanish, granted by the Valencian Regional Government to the book without words Robinson Crusoe. Location: San Miguel de los Reyes. The author and the publishers are absent, and this time, they are not able to convince any of their nephews or nieces to receive the diploma.
  • 13 December. Presentation of Crimes exemplares, Portuguese edition of Crímenes ejemplares (Exemplary Crimes), published by the publishing house Antígona, in FNAC, Chiado of Lisbon. Participation of Carla da Silva Pereira (Antígona) and Vicente Ferrer (Media Vaca).
  • 15 – 16 December. XVIII Encontro de literatura para crianças ‘Palavras de trapos: as línguas que os livros falam’ (18th Literature meeting for children ‘Rag words: the languages that books speak’) curated by Rita Taborda Duarte. 16 May: Lectures assembled under the title ‘Painted words’, with moderation by João Miguel Tavares and the participation of João Paulo Cotrim (communication framework), António Torrado, Luís Henriques, and Vicente Ferrer.