Year 2014
- 16 January. 19:00: Presentation of the book Cubiertas para Cartelera Turia (Covers for Cartelera Turia) in the Aula Magna (Main Hall of the University of Valencia, in the commemorative events of the 50th anniversary of the Cartelera Turia (Turia Magazine). Participation of the author, Miguel Calatayud, the director of Cartelera Turia, Vicente Vergara, the comic book scholar, Álvaro Pons, and the publisher, Vicente Ferrer. The table was moderated by the writer Alfons Cervera.
- 24 – 27 March. Bologna Children's Book Fair. Attendance of books (and the publishers) in the collective stand of the Federación de Gremios (Guilds Federation) (Hall 29, Stand B19).
- April. ¡Fuego! (Fire!).
- 4 April. Presentation of the book Buffalo Bill Romance in the bookshop Bartleby of Valencia (Calle Cádiz, 50). Participation of the illustrator, Dani Sanchis, and the publisher, Vicente Ferrer.
- 25 April. 12:00. Presentation by Media Vaca in the library of the Facultad de Bellas Artes (Faculty of Fine Arts) in Madrid, which ends up adding a large part of the catalogue into their collection. Round table with the participation of the library director, Javier Pérez Iglesias, the illustrators Javier Olivares and César Fernández Arias, and the publisher, Vicente Ferrer. Ana Garralón, expert in children and teenage literature, who was going to be the moderator, had to leave early for a flight to Mexico, so she sends her questions on little pieces of paper thrown from the plane.
- 21 – 23 May. Participation in the fifth edition of the Plaster Festival, International Festival of Poster and Typography, in Torun, Poland, curated by Krzysztof Bialowicz and dedicated to Spain as the guest country. 21 May, 19:00: Inauguration of the exhibit ‘My Fist 80,000 Words’ in the terrace of CoCA (Contemporary Art Museum); 22 May, 10:00-13:00 / 15:00-18:00: small notebook creation workshop by Vicente Ferrer; 23 May, 11:00-17:00: conferences: ‘Corrida: Controversial Graphic Design’ in Cinema Centrum, CoCA. Participation of: Germán Úcar and Iñigo del Canto (Estudio Vaca), Javier Manzanos (Centro de Arte Contemporáneo Huarte [ Huarte Centre of Contemporary Art]), Grzegorz Laszuk, Malgorzata Gurowska and Marek Piekarski, Piotr Mlodozeniec, Ryszard Kajzer.
- 24 May. Warsaw Book Fair. Stadion Narodowy. 12:00-13:00: the illustrator, Agnieszka Borucka-Foks, signs copies of the book Fire! in the Tako stand (stand 111/C4); 14:15 horas: Vicente Ferrer presented the Polish books of the publishing house —¡Fuego! (Fire!) and A través del espejo (Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There)— and the rest of the Media Vaca books in the Rzym Wyklad Hall in the Press section. Participation of Agnieszka Borucka-Foks. (The Warsaw Book Fair occupies an entire football stadium, quite an impressive feat. On the football pitch, there are children's workshops, and in the stands, there are people sitting and reading books).
- 26 May. 15:00. Presentation by the publishing house and the Polish projects (including the book Warszawa [Warsaw], in preparation) to the students of the Fine Arts School of Warsaw. Contributing are: Grazka Lange, Agnieszka Borucka-Foks, and the publishers.
- 5 June – 21 September. Exhibition 'El Persa al Botànic' (‘El Persa at the Botanical Garden'). Activities organised by the Botanical Garden of Valencia and CARPEP (Recreational Artistic Circle of Publications by El Persa).
- 4 July. III Jornades de laboratoris de lectura (third edition of the Reading Laboratory Conference) in the Roca Umbert Library of Granollers with the title ‘Camins lectors: El bagatge literari i cultural dels infants’ (‘Reader Paths: The literary and cultural baggage of children’). 10:00: lecture: ‘Media Vaca: la vida secreta de los libros' ('Media Vaca: the secret life of books’) by Vicente Ferrer. Presented by: Cristina Garreta.
- September. Buenos Aires.
- 19 September. Celebration of the First World Conference of SADPPD (Society of Friends and Communicators of the Derailed Postal Ball). Coinciding with the end of the ‘El Persa al Botànic’ exhibition, the Botanical Garden, SADPPD, and CARPEP hereby summon this transcendental event. The event, which takes place in the Umbracle Space of the Botanical Garden, consists in the reading of brief lectures by outstanding specialists in the postal ball who are also good friends of El Persa. Subsequently, the membership cards are delivered to the participants; the event is concluded with the performance of the PPD Hymn composed by José María Pagés, by a choir group assembled for this memorable occasion. Participation of Tomás March, Paco Zarzoso, Pepe Macca, Consol Albiñana, Manuel Peris, and Dalia Izquierdo; the official closing ceremony is done by Jaime Güemes, on behalf of the Botanical Garden.
- 2 – 5 October. Participation in the Tabook Festival, organised by the publishing house Baobab, and dedicated to small publishers, in Tabor, Czech Republic. 4 Saturday, 9:30-13:00: Presentation by the publishing house and book exhibit in Strelnice, accompanied by publishers Corraini (Italy), Sophie Van der Linden (France), Siguté Chlebinskaité (Lithuania) and Svein Storgsen, of Magikon (Norway).
- 17 October – 2 November. XVI Cabanyal Portes Obertes (16th Cabanyal Open Doors): L'art de resistir (The Art of Resisting). Exhibition of the illustrations of the book Benvinguts al Cabanyal (Welcome to El Cabanyal) in the house at Calle de la Reina, 140.
- 20 November. Awards ceremony for Best Published Books and Bookshops of the Comunidad Valenciana. On this occasion, Media Vaca is honoured with the Premi al Llibre de Bibliofília i d'Artista Millor Editat (Award for Best Published Bibliophile and Artist Book), awarded to the book El Persa: solo pàra amigos (El Persa: For Friends Only). Location: Public Library of Valencia. The award is accepted by Marta Cardona García. By assignment from the Dirección General del Libro (Directorate General of Books), the Bocabadats Media team create a booktrailer for said book.
- 29 November – 7 December. International Book Fair (FIL) of Guadalajara (Mexico). Attendance of Media Vaca’s books in the stand of Petra Ediciones publishing house. Tuesday 2: I Foro Internacional de Diseño Editorial (First International Forum of Publisher Design). 19:15-20:00 : ‘El rol del diseño en la conceptualización del libro' ('The role of design in the book’s conceptualisation’), a conversation between Peggy Espinosa (Petra Ediciones) and Vicente Ferrer (Media Vaca). Organised by: FIL Guadalajara and Anáhuac University.