Year 2015

  • 27 February. Discussion-colloquium in the bookshop Casa del Libro of Valencia, as the premier of the series ‘Publisher House of the Month’. The event is organised by the booksellers Virginia and Marta; participation by the publishers and the illustrator Marta Pina.
  • 30 March – 2 April. Bologna Children's Book Fair. Attendance of books (and the publishers) in the collective stand of the Federación de Gremios (Guilds Federation) (Hall 29, Stand B19-C18).
  • April. Cómo puede ser la democracia (How Democracy Can Be)Así es la dictadura (So This is a Dictatorship)Hay clases sociales (There are Social Classes) and Las mujeres y los hombres (Women and Men).
  • 20 April. The publishing house receives a visit from a group of students from the Ciclo Superior de Ilustración y Diseño Gráfico (Advanced Course of Illustration and Graphic Design) of EASD Castellón. The professor Charo Sanchis had notified: “At most, there will be 35 people.” In the end, there are around 20 students accompanied by 4 professors and everyone manages to find a seat.
  • 23 April. To celebrate World Book Day, the publishing house is visited by a group of children from the public school CEIP 100 of Russafa, accompanied by several mothers. Rebeca, who arranged the appointment, announces the arrival of 11 children and 6 mothers between 17:00 and 17:15. In the end, there are many more and it is impossible to count them all! There are even some fathers. The kids lay down on the floor, climb up on everything that is high and flow into all the nooks and crannies as if they are water. They read several Grimm fairytales, look at the Milan book with 3D glasses, they sing, they shout, etc.  All the children receive the little book Hogar, dulce hogar (Home, Sweet Home) by Oliveiro Dumas and the notebook by César Fernández Arias El mundo es como yo quiero (The World is How I Want It To Be). Several kids ask for a second copy for the friends who didn't come.
  • 1 May. Valencia Book Fair. Viveros Garden. From 12:00 to 14:00, Marta Pina signs copies of the books Cómo puede ser la democracia (How Democracy Could Be) and El alma se serena (Soothing the Soul), in the Railowsky stand.
  • 8 May. Presentation of the Books for Tomorrow collection in the bookshop Ambreta of Valencia. Participation by Marta Pina, Joan Negrescolor and the publishers. Great attendance, among whom there are many children and the Valencian family of Joan Negrescolor.
  • 27 June. Presentation of the Books for Tomorrow collection in the bookshop La Repartidora of Benimaclet. Neus Berenguer is the master of ceremonies and she reads a beautiful text. Participation by Marta Pina and the publishers.
  • September. Warszawa (Warsaw).
  • 11 September. Presentation of the Polish edition of the book Warszawa (Warsaw) by Tako, in the Psa Czy Suki shop (Male or Female Dog) of Warsaw. Participation by Grazka Lange and the publishers of Media Vaca, as well as several authors of the texts. Filip Lobodzinski acts as moderator and translator.
  • 12 September. Presentation of the book Buenos Aires in Bogotá, in the café and bookshop Casa Tomada. The event is presented by Juan David Correa and Hernán Sasone, in conversation with the author, Diego Bianki.
  • 6 November. Lecture by Vicente Ferrer ‘Publicar Alicia en la actualidad' ('Publishing Alice Today’) in the third session of a tightly scheduled conference by the participants of ‘Recordando Alicia en el País de las Maravillas' ('Remembering Alice in Wonderland’), which celebrates the 150th anniversary of the book's publication. Organised by the English and German Philology Department. The conference is held in the Assembly Hall of the Faculty of Philology of the University of Valencia. Presented by: María José Coperías (University of Valencia).
  • 10 November. Work session with postgraduate students from the Elisava School of Barcelona, by invitation of the professors, José Luis Merino and Mery Cuesta. The publisher of Media Vaca presents a project to the students for the creation of a collective book based on the idea of a museum of reproductions.
  • 20 November. 12:00: Award ceremony of 2014 Best Books Awards, summoned by the Generalitat Valenciana. The book ¡Fuego! (Fire!), by Jan Brzechwa and Agnieszka Borucka-Foks, receive the Award for Best Published Book of 2017. In the event, celebrated in San Miguel de los Reyes, Begoña Lobo accepts the diploma from the Councillor of Education and Culture and Vicente Ferrer reads the text ‘Alfabeto de circunstancias' ('Alphabet of Circumstances’). 14:00: the publishers of Media Vaca participate in the discussion group 'Librerías y libros' (‘Bookshops and Books’), organised by Casa Montaña, together with the booksellers: Noviembre (Benicàssim), Mònica and Célia, Teresa Álvarez Aub, Mario Sánchez, Fani Grande, Fernando Flores, Manuel Peris, Miguel Morata (Primado Bookshop), Mila Villanueva, Susana Fortes and Alfons Cervera. Moderated by Emiliano García, owner of Casa Montaña.
  • 30 November – 4 December. Participation in the second edition of the Semana Ilustrada (Illustrated Week), summoned by the Biblioteca Insular de Gran Canaria (Gran Canary Island Library) and coordinated by the illustrator Pablo Amargo. Thursday 3: Talk by Vicente Ferrer, titled ‘Trabajar con un editor loco' ('Working with a crazy publisher’). Friday 4: the same madman moderates a round table on illustrated magazines with Ana Lartitegui (Fuera de Margen), Juanjo Moreno (Yorokobu) and Pablo Amargo (Jot Down Magazine). The conference in which Elena Odriozola, Ajubel, Gustavo Puerta, and Gabriel Pacheco, among others, also participate, is held in the Library itself, in the city of Las Palmas.
  • December. Oaxaca and Adiós al porvenir (Farewell to the Future).