Year 2016

  • 5 January. 16:00. Presentation of the book Oaxaca during the ninth edition of Tenderete, celebrated for the second year in Las Naves. The event was attended by Roger Omar and the publishers, accompanied by a numerous group of friends, among which there was a young illustrator from Oaxaca.
  • 17 February. 18:00. Conference by Begoña Lobo and Vicente Ferrer titled ‘Habló la vaca y dijo mu' ('The cow spoke and it said moo’), to present the publisher house's work in EASD (School of Art and Design). For over two hours, the audience which filled the Assembly Hall (120 people seated in chairs and 20 seated on the floor) made the most of the publisher’s invitation to ask all kinds of questions.
  • 5 March. 'Resoñando Oaxaca' (‘Re-dreaming Oaxaca’). Drawing workshop for children in the bookshop-gallery Pepita Lumier of Valencia, taught by Roger Omar, based on the book Oaxaca. Roger proposed to the workshop participants to redesign the city of Oaxaca based on the dreams in the book.
  • 10 March. 19:30. ‘Oaxaca in Russafa’ presentation of the book Oaxaca in the bookshop Bartleby of Valencia. Participation of Roger Omar and Vicente Ferrer. Among the audience, there is also a girl who was born in Oaxaca, a different one from last time, a remarkable fact which is received with great delight.
  • 4 – 7 April. Bologna Children's Book Fair. Attendance of books and the publishers in the collective stand of the Spanish Association of Publishers Guilds (Hall 29, Stand B17-C26). Monday 4, 18:30: Awards ceremony of the Bologna Ragazzi Award in the setting of the Archi-ginnasio. Books for Tomorrow are honoured with first prize in the Non-Fiction category. Tuesday 5, 16:00: Presentation of the Books for Tomorrow collection in the Illustrators Café. Participation by Joan Negrescolor —selected in the Fair's illustrations exhibit for Hay clases sociales (There Are Social Classes)— and the publishers. The panel is moderated by Marcella Terrusi, and Gabriella acts as the interpreter.
  • 14 April. Presentation of the Books for Tomorrow collection in the bookshop Loring Art of Barcelona. With the attendance of the illustrators Luci Gutiérrez and Joan Negrescolor. Piu Martínez, founder of the blog La Pequeña Ciudad de P, acts as host and moderator.
  • 15 April. 19:30. Opening of the photography exhibition by Rafael de Luis for the book Valencia, in the Railowsky photography gallery. Participation by Rafael de Luis and Bartolomé Ferrando, authors of the book, and the publishers of Media Vaca.
  • 16 April. Participation of Media Vaca in the 12th Republican Week of Cieza, Murcia, organised by the city’s Club Atalaya. Among the scheduled activities —in the Club's Assembly Hall—, we celebrate the first worldwide presentation of the book Adiós al porvenir (Farewell to the Future).
  • 13 May. 17:30. Participation of Media Vaca’s publishers in the master’s degree in 'Lectura, libros y lectores infantiles y juveniles' ('Reading, Books and Children and Young Adult Readers'), directed by Rosa Tabernero and organised by the University of Zaragoza. Open discussion with the students in the room and those connected through the Internet.
  • 18 May. 18:00. Closing ceremony of Rafael de Luis’ photography exhibition in Railowsky. Meeting with friends among books, photography, moderate alcohol (served in tiny glasses due to the publisher's mistake), and bowls of crisps.
  • 20 May. Participation of the publishing house in the Factoria d'Il·lustració a Patraix (Patraix Illustration Factory), organised by APIV and the association Factoria d'Arts a Patraix. Workshops for children by Roger Omar, about the book Oaxaca, and Aina Bonet and Javier Gay, about the books Hay clases sociales (There Are Social Classes) and Mis primeras 80 000 palabras (My First 80,000 Words).
  • 27 – 29 May. Participation, with a shed designed by Robinson Crusoe, in the first edition of the fair Palo Alto Market Fest, held in the Viveros Garden. Paid admission, gusts of wind, sand over books, misty rain, and a parade of people who apparently did not expect to find books in there.
  • 4 June. 11:30. Presentation of the Books for Tomorrow collection at the Eugenio Trías Municipal Library, in the former zoo Casa de Fieras, at the Retiro Park in Madrid. Contributions by Mikel Casal, José Luis García Sánchez, Begoña Lobo, and Vicente Ferrer. Moderated by Javier Pizarro, teacher and collaborator of the digital magazine El Asombrario.
  • 11 – 25 June. Exhibition of the original artworks by Diego Bianki created for the book Buenos Aires. The display took place in the Granada Gallery in the Buenos Aires neighbourhood of Palermo, which coincided with the anniversary of the second founding of Buenos Aires, on 11 June, 1580.
  • 19 July. Inauguration of the second edition of JALEO'16, 'Jornades d’Animació a la Lectura, Escriptura i Observació' (workshops dedicated to promote reading, writing, and observation) at San Miguel de los Reyes, headquarters of the Biblioteca Valenciana (Valencian Library). Vicente Ferrer joins Miguel Calatayud in a guided tour of the exhibition feauturing the illustrator's work, comprised by large panels around the cloister.
  • 20 – 22 July. JALEO'16 workshop activities. 21 July, 18:30. At the Palau de Pineda, UIMP headquarters. A round table discussion takes place 'El ayer y el hoy de la edición de LIJ en España' (‘The past and present of publishing children’s and young adult literature in Spain’). Participation by: Miguel Calatayud, Juanjo Oller (Milimbo), Arianna Squilloni (A Buen Paso), Vicente Ferrer and Begoña Lobo (Media Vaca). Moderated by Mar Benegas, course director.
  • 25 July. Presentation of the book Buenos Aires by Bianki in the Granada Gallery in Buenos Aires. The author was joined by Washington Cucurto, Daniel Wolkowicz, and Gustavo Darío López.
  • August. Libro de los defectos de los demás (Book of the Flaws of Others).
  • 17 September. 10:00-17:00. Participation in the Beautiful Book Fair of Piaseczno, held in the Main Square of Piaseczno, Poland, and organized by the ARKA Foundation of Jozef Wilko, the city's Public Library, and Piaseczno Town Council. 15:30: Presentation of Media Vaca’s books in the headquarters of Przystanek Kultury (Culture Centre). Beatriz Blanco translates the publishers' words for the Polish audience and performs the song ‘La vaca Mariposa’ (‘Butterfly the cow’), which is received with a big round of applause.
  • 28 October. Ferrer family party at the Tria Restaurant (Plaza Porta de la Mar, Valencia). After dinner and music, over seventy people with the Ferrer surname receive books from Media Vaca (which hardly anyone knew of) in a raffle, thanks to the contribution of some very eager Ferrer children.
  • 9 – 10 November. Second edition of the International Illustration Seminar, organised by FILIJ in Oaxaca and Mexico City. Thursday 10, 11:30: Lecture by Vicente Ferrer titled ‘Hacer libros' ('To make books’), in CASA Oaxaca, arts centre of San Agustín Etla.
  • 11 November. Distribution of copies of the book Oaxaca to the participating girls and boys of the Vicente Guerrero School in Oaxaca. The teachers gather all the children in the playground; Roger Omar reads the dreams from the school's students and asks their authors to identify themselves. When all the books are distributed, approximately 50, diplomas designed by Mik Baro and signed with rubber stamps by Roger Omar, Vicente Ferrer, and Begoña Lobo are awarded. Faced with the children's great enthusiasm as they immediately form a queue, it is necessary for a little girl named Mildred Yandeli to act as a secretary and write the names on the diplomas in her neat handwriting. 17:00. BS Children's Library, Oaxaca. Party hosted by BS and Media Vaca for the participating children of the Oaxaca book. Before the afternoon snack is served, there are speeches by Freddy Aguilar, Roger Omar, and Vicente Ferrer. The attending audience also listens to recordings in which the boys and girls read the dreams in the book. As suggested by Roger Omar, many children arrive with faces painted like spotted cows.
  • 12 November. Presentation of the book Oaxaca in the Culture Centre in Oaxaca and distribution of the book to the collaborators. Participation of Roger Omar, Vicente Ferrer, one or two children, and three or four mothers, who share all the details of their dreams. Among the crowd, there are no children who participated in the book because they have grown up and we lost track of them. Diplomas for dreamers are handed out.
  • 13 November. Participation in the International Book Fair of Oaxaca (FILO). 12:00. Presentation of the book Oaxaca at El Recreo Forum (Alameda de León, Oaxaca). Participation of Roger Omar and Vicente Ferrer. Moderated by Elisa Ruiz, director of the Fondo Ventura Library.
  • 14 November. FILO activities. 12:00. Opening of the exhibition about the book Oaxaca at the Fondo Ventura Library, in San Martín Mexicapan, with a display montage by Quatro Estudio. (The exhibition, open until 18 December, was visited by 887 students.) 17:00. Margarita Maza State Public Library in Juárez. ‘Constructing citizenship since childhood’. Claudio Aravena, from the La Fuente Foundation, holds a panel discussion with Vicente Ferrer about the Books for Tomorrow collection.
  • 15 November. Distribution of copies of the book Oaxaca to the collaborators from the Unión y Progreso School in San Sebastián Teitipac. The teacher, Ignacio, acts as the master of ceremonies. Roger Omar is greeted with applause and cheers of joy by the children, who perfectly remember his visit to the school to collect the dreams two years prior.
  • 11 – 21 November. Participation in the 36th Children’s and Young Adult International Book Fair of Mexico (FILIJ).
  • 16, 17, 18 November. 17:00. 'Mi palabra favorita' ('My favorite word') workshop, taught by Vicente Ferrer in one of the tents installed in the Bicentennial Park, where the fair is held. The rain on the first day transformed the park into a muddy quagmire and no one attends; on the second day, 8 people over the age of 15 visit; on the third day, there are 25 students between the ages of 13 and 15. The proposal is based on the book Mis primeras 80 000 palabras (My First 80,000 Words). At the end of each session, copies are raffled (in one occasion, the teacher makes a mistake and gives the book to someone who is not the real winner). Several students ask for us to sign their artworks to certify their attendance.
  • 25 November. Tenerife Design Week. 16:30-21:00. Awards Ceremony of the 2016 Gràffica Awards in the Assembly Hall of TEA (Tenerife Arts Centre). The ten prize winners of 2016, selected by a jury comprised by 23 professionals from the design and image sectors, are Ana Galvañ, Atlas, Bendita Gloria, CANADA, Ena Cardenal de la Nuez, Javier Mariscal, Joan Fontcuberta, Libros Mutantes, Pablo Amargo, and Media Vaca.
  • 27 – 30 December. Participation in the Libros Amigos Book Fair in Madrid, organised by Libros Mutantes and La Casa Encendida. Marga Díaz, collaborator and friend of the publishers, occasionally a mutant and always inspired, dispatches books with ease and improvises a drawing workshop for the children who visit.