Year 2017

  • 10 January. 13:00. Opening of the exhibition ‘Adiós al porvenir. Sobre un texto de Manuel Azaña' ('Farewell to the Future. A text about Manuel Azaña’) which displayed enlarged versions of the forty drawings created by Manuel Flores for the book. The illustrators, the publishers, and the attending audience strolled around the space where the exhibition was held in the cloister San José de Caracciolos, in Alcalá de Henares. 19:00. Colloquium on Manuel Azaña in the International Conference Hall of the Rector’s Office. Among those participating were Jesús Cañete of the University of Alcalá, María Antonia Hernández, President of Foro del Henares (Henares Forum), Manuel Flores, and the publishers of Media Vaca. These activities were designed to celebrate Manuel Azaña's birthday in his city of birth, promoted by the Foro de Henares and sponsored by the Alcalá City Council, University of Alcalá, and Media Vaca.
  • 11 January. Presentation of the book Adiós al porvenir (Farewell to the Future) at the Venir A Cuento Bookshop in Madrid. Participation by Manuel Flores and the publishers. Reunion of friends that ended up with dinner in a typical Madrid tavern, which Manuel Azaña would have loved.
  • February. Ludwig el extraterrestre (Ludwig the Extraterrestrial).
  • 8 – 9 February. In Córdoba, Argentina. Evita Fine Arts Museum. 17:00-20:00. Seminar ‘Media Vaca: vida pública de una editorial secreta' ('Media Vaca: public life of a secret publishing house’), organised by Agencia Córdoba Cultura (Córdoba Culture Agency), in collaboration with CEDILIJ (Centre for the Diffusion and Research of Children's and Young Adult Literature), and the Chateau Carreras Museum. Giving way to the publishers, the following spoke: Mariana del Val, director of the Evita Fine Arts Museum, Mariano Medina, representing CEDILIJ, and Juan Pagano, director of the Chateau Carreras Museum. Free entrance and limited capacity. On the first day, there is a full house (more than 90 people); on the second day, it is pouring down with rain, and those who arrive come in two at a time, as if they were entering Noah’s ark.
  • 9 February. Meeting at CEDILIJ headquarters in a cosy room filled with children's books, safe from the rain. Someone suddenly opens a book and several trays of empanadas and some bottles of wine appear. Amidst laugher, everything disappears as fast it arrived.
  • 10 February. Informal talk on Media Vaca's books in the La Luna bookshop in Córdoba. Attendance of the publishers. Juan Pagano, director of the Chateau Carreras Museum, gives the presentation.
  • 17 February. While taking a walk through Mendoza, the publishers of Media Vaca seize the opportunity to visit EDELIJ (Literature Space for Children and Young Adults) headquarters, guided by its director, Silvina Juri.
  • 20 February. In Buenos Aires. Talk on Media Vaca's books at the bookshop El Libro de Arena, organised by Judith Wilhelm and Walter Binder, from Calibroscopio, who distribute the books in Argentina.
  • 21 February. Lecture at the Calibroscopio publishing house headquarters, with the attendance of the same large audience as on the previous day. A storm complicates the arrival of the publishers, who take almost an hour to make the journey from their hotel using a crowded tube, a taxi with little sense of direction, and the strength of their legs to overcome the final stretch.
  • 3 – 6 April. Participation in the Bologna Children's Book Fair, Hall 29 stand B19, located in the Spanish Association of Publishers Guilds space. Representing the publishers and taking care of the stand, is Lara Ottaviani.
  • 21 April. 18:00. Presentation of the book Ludwig el extraterrestre (Ludwig the Extraterrestrial) in Alcalá de Henares. The event, initially arranged to take place in the Margarita Xirgú Hall of Comisiones Obreras, is held finally in the Magdaleno García-Alcalá Hall of the same building. The event is hosted by Rosa Prádanos, head of culture, with the participation of the writer Luis Ruiz de Gopegui, the reader Mariú, commentator and granddaughter of the author, and Vicente Ferrer, editor of Media Vaca.
  • 23 April. 10:00-20:00. Media Vaca stand in the Plaza de la Reina in Valencia, to celebrate World Book Day (old & new). Organised by Valencia City Council and Gremio de Libreros de Lance (Guild of Lance Booksellers) of the Comunitat Valenciana.
  • May. Libro de Nonsense (Book of Nonsense).
  • 19 May. 12:00-14:00. Round table on ‘El libro álbum y el género de no-ficción' ('The book-album and the non-fiction genre’) in the Palacio de Sástago, in Zaragoza, during the second day on graphic literature and illustration of 2017. Participants: Ellen Duthie (Wonder Ponder Project), Gustavo Puerta (La Leche Magazine) and Vicente Ferrer. Ana G. Lartitegui (Pantalia) moderates the event.
  • 27 May. Noon. Presentation of the book Ludwig el extraterrestre (Ludwig the Extraterrestrial) at the Imprenta Municipal-Artes del Libro (Municipal-Art Printshop) in Madrid. The event features Luis Ruiz de Gopegui and Juan Miguel Aguilera, author and illustrator of the book, the editors of Media Vaca, and a young reader, Mariú, reveals interesting secrets of the story.
  • 16 – 17 June. Participation of Media Vaca as exhibitors (for the first time) in the 14th Tenderete Festival, in Valencia. The activities take place in the El Musical del Canyamelar Theatre.
  • 29 – 30 June. Valladolid Illustrated Conference. Friday 30, 10:45: lecture by the editors of Media Vaca, under the title ‘Ser editor' ('To be an editor’). Concha Velasco Room at LAVA (Valladolid Arts Laboratory). Presented by Óscar del Amo, coordinator of the event. Other participants are: Javier Sáez Castán, Anne Laval, Tom Schamp, Philip Giordano, and Marco Somà.
  • 7 July. Presentation of Libro de nonsense (Book of Nonsense) at the Bartleby bookshop in Valencia. Several old people, with shorter beards than one would wish (the supply of fake beards in Valencia is ridiculous), read aloud the Spanish versions of some of the poems in the book.
  • 18 July – 14 September. Exhibition ‘Adéu al futur, un homenatge a la República' ('Farewell to the Future, an homage to the Republic’), in the Muralla Hall of the Rector Peset Hall of Residence. Illustrations by Manuel Flores based on Manuel Azaña’s letter published by Media Vaca in the book Farewell to the Future. The exhibition, produced and supervised by Marta Ruiz, technician of Culture, is organised by the Rector Peset Hall of Residence, the Vice-Principal for Culture and Equality of the University of Valencia, the University of Alcalá, the Foro de Henares, and Media Vaca. Delivering brief speeches at the opening are: Carles X López, Antonio Ariño, Maria Antonia Hernández Guerra, Salvador Albiñana, Manuel Flores, Begoña Lobo and Vicente Ferrer. The event coincides with the date Manuel Azaña gave a speech at the University of Valencia, one year after the start of the war, a fact that is highlighted in various speeches. It is also the day Nelson Mandela was born, as Filo Keyta recalls from Paris in a salutatory e-mail excusing his presence.
  • 20 July. Launch of Media Vaca’s Instagram account, promoted by reader and friend Daniel García-Sala; also author of all the unsigned photographs (and of part of the texts). The account had already gained a thousand followers a week after its launch.
  • August. Taller de pintura y construcciones (Painting and Construction Workshop) 2nd edition.
  • 22 September – 1 October. Exhibition ‘Adéu al futur, un homenatge a la República' ('Farewell to the Future. An homage to the Republic’) in MUCBE (City of Benicarló Museum), as part of the activities promoted by Benicarló City Council in ‘Award Week’. Culture technician Rafael Sánchez and the editors participate in the opening event.
  • 1 October. The series Books for Tomorrow is included in the exhibition ‘Cultivating young humanism’ featuring 200 children’s books that deal with social themes. Organised by Bologna Children's Book Fair, which coincides with the visit of Pope Francis to the city.
  • 7 October. Participation with a book stall in the second edition of Lo Llumener, Festival Pirinenc de Literatures Infantils (Pyrenees’ Festival of Children's and Young Adult Literature), in Sort, Lleida, organised by Sort City Council and the Cambuleta Association. Thule and Libros del Zorro Rojo publishers also participate.
  • 10 – 11 November. Professional meeting of Irudika illustration, at the Artium Museum in Vitoria, organised by Euskal Irudigileak (Professional Association of Illustrators of the Basque Country). The editors of Media Vaca teach a workshop to illustrators over two days, and take part in a round table discussion with Isidro Ferrer and Mikel Casal. Other illustrators and editors present at the meeting are Pablo Amargo, Mikel Valverde, Elena Odriozola, Carlos Grassa, and the editors Marta Borrell, from Penguin Random House, and Francisco Delgado, from Barbara Fiore.
  • 13 December. Lecture titled 'La aventura de una editorial distinta' ('The adventure of a different publishing house'), in the auditorium of the Cervantes Institute in Moscow. After the presentation, a round table discussion on publishing children's books, with Irina Balakhonova, from the Russian publishing house Samokat.
  • 13 December – 25 February 2018. Exhibition of a selection of Media Vaca’s book covers in the auditorium of the Cervantes Institute, under the title 'Media Vaca. Escaparate de libros ilustrados' ('Media Vaca. Illustrated Books Showcase').
  • 15 December. Visit to the Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics to deliver the books Seis niños en Marte (Six Children on Mars) and Ludwig el extraterrestre (Ludwig the Extraterrestrial) to the city centre's library. They are received by Olga Filimonova, from the press office.